Flex Game of Life

Continuing down the Flex Path, I built another really crappy version of Conway’s Game of Life. Version 2 forthcoming.

I’m still figuring out this whole Flex thing, so please, any help would be much appreciated!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	xmlns:mx         = "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
	layout           = "vertical"
	creationComplete = "init(gameArea);"
	width            = "425"
	height           = "425"
		import model.*;
		private var board:Board;

		private function init(application:DisplayObjectContainer):void {
			board = new Board(application, 10, 0, 0, 30, 30, 5);

	<mx:Canvas id="gameArea"></mx:Canvas>
		<mx:Button label="Reset"  click="board.reset();" />
		<mx:Button label="Update" click="board.update();" />		
package model {

	import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;

	public class Board {

		private var size:int;
		private var startX:int;
		private var startY:int;
		private var tileWidth:int;
		private var tileHeight:int;
		private var tileBuffer:int;	
		private var board:Array;
		private var container:DisplayObjectContainer;

		public function Board(
		) {
			this.container  = container;
			this.size       = size;
			this.startX     = startX;
			this.startY     = startY;
			this.tileWidth  = tileWidth;
			this.tileHeight = tileHeight;
			this.tileBuffer = tileBuffer;

		public function reset():void {
			this.board = new Array(this.size);
			var x:int = startX;
			var y:int = startY;


			for(var i:int = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
				this.board[i] = new Array(this.size);
				x = startX;
				for(var j:int = 0; j < this.size; j++) {
					board[i][j] = new Cell(x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight);
					x += this.tileWidth + this.tileBuffer;
				y += this.tileHeight + this.tileBuffer;

		public function update():void {
			var next:Array = next();
			for(var i:int = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
				for(var j:int = 0; j < this.size; j++) {

		public function clear():void {
			while(this.container.numChildren) {

		public function next():Array {
			var total:int     = 0;
			var next:Array = new Array(this.size);
			for(var i:int = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
				next[i] = new Array(this.size);
				for(var j:int = 0; j < this.size; j++) {
					next[i][j] = board[i][j].next(countNeighbors(i,j));
			return next;

		public function isValid(position:int):Boolean {
			return(position >= 0 && position < this.size);

		public function stateAt(i:int, j:int):Boolean {
			if(isValid(i) && isValid(j)) {
				return board[i][j].state;
			return false;

		public function countNeighbors(x:int, y:int):int {
			var count:int = 0;
			for(var i:int = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++) {
				for(var j:int = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++) {
					if(!(i == x && j == y) && stateAt(i,j)) {
						count += 1;
			return count;

package model {
	import flash.events.MouseEvent;
	import mx.controls.Button;

	public class Cell extends Button {

		public var state:Boolean;

		public function Cell(x:int, y:int, width:int, height:int) {
			this.x     = x;
			this.y     = y;
			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;

		public function reset():void {
			this.state = false;

		public function next(neighborCount:int):Boolean {
			return((this.state && neighborCount == 2) || neighborCount == 3);

		public function update(state:Boolean):void {
			this.state = state;
			if(this.state) {
				this.label = "0";
			} else {
				this.label = "";

		public function swap(e:MouseEvent):void {
