Our friend Jesse Allen took some stunning engagement photos for us to use on our wedding site and our save-the-dates. The pictures came out wonderful, thanks again Jesse!
Category Archives: wedding
2010 New Years Resolutions
I didn’t make much headway with my formal resolutions last year.
- I went to a few user group meetings at the beginning, but I trailed off rather quickly.
- I didn’t contribute ANYTHING to open-source.
- I didn’t complete any money making projects.
- And aside from playing around with a few GreaseMonkey scripts I didn’t write any plugins.
However, I did manage to do a few other things in 2009:
- I’m finally comfortable with ActionScript.
- I made slow but steady progress with Project Euler, and Ruby.
- I did a whole heck of a lot of traveling, including Boston, Charleston, Louisiana, Elysburg, Lake Winfield Scott, and New York City.
And I saved the best for last…

2009 was the year that I met and engaged the love of my life, Sara!
In short, 2009: Best year ever!
Now, on to this year’s resolutions!
Blog More!
I’ve always done a lot of programming outside of work, but I’ve found that blogging incentivizes me to actually (somewhat and sometimes) finish what I start. I’m much more likely to finish something when I plan on, or start to blog about it and I feel that the extra little nudge can make a big difference.
Unfortunately, I have half a dozen unfinished Flex projects to NOT show for my lack of blogging this year, but I hope to get back on track in 2010.
C#!In addition to my 9-5 ColdFusion and JavaScript programming, the last couple years I’ve spent most of my free time in Ruby and ActionScript. This year I wanted to get more into general, gui type programming. It’s been a long time since I wrote a windows application, and my time spent with the Flex compiler has got me feeling nostalgic for a more structured language and programming environment.
I’ve spent a little bit of time over the holidays on a few C# projects, and I’m loving it and I’m looking forward to really diving into C# this year!

Attend User Group Meetings!
I say this every year, but there are a few active user groups in Orlando that I really like, that I should be attending more frequently and consistently.
Here’s a list, for link-love’s sake:
I figure I should be able to, no excuse, make at least one a month. AT LEAST!

Work Out!
Work Out!
This is another resolution that I make every year. I didn’t lose any weight in 2009, in fact I gained 5lbs. However I’m lifting a lot more weight now, and I feel healthier so I guess I’m doing something right. I plan on continuing this through 2010.
So that’s it for tonight folks, I’m off to bed.
Happy New Year!
Booya! I’m engaged!
I’ve been blog slacking. It’s been a crazy couple months: weddings, funerals, star-crossed vacations, you name it. Through it all, my girl Sara has been amazing, and I’m proud to announce our engagement!
I love you Sara!