Dummy Image!
It’s a cool site that lets you pass in a width and a height to generate an image which could come in really handy for quickly mocking up web pages.
I can’t believe I never thought of doing something like this!
ColdFusion is a great language for doing this sort of thing, so it was trivial to whip something up quickly.
I was originally writing a file to disk because I didn’t realize you could stream an image variable to the browser, but my other co-worker Jim came to the rescue with the cfimage “writeToBrowser” action!
<cfset params = listToArray(cgi.query_string,"x") /> <cfif arrayLen(params) lt 2> <cfthrow message="Input should be like ?[w]x[h]"/> </cfif> <cfset width = params[1] /> <cfset height = params[2] /> <cfset color = "gray" /> <cfif not (isNumeric(width) and isNumeric(height))/> <cfthrow message="Width/Height should be numeric ?100x100"> </cfif> <cfset image = ImageNew("", width, height,"rgb", color) /> <cfset ImageDrawText(image, "#width# x #height#", 0, 10)> <cfimage source="#image#" action="writeToBrowser"/>
I’d love to link an example to you, but my hosting plan doesn’t support _cf_image_