Tag Archives: podcasts


I’ve been doing a lot of research on LINQ for episode 6 of the Coding Blocks podcast and I was a bit surprised by what I came up with.

I had originally thought of LINQ as a feature. I had heard the parable of the guy at the white board, writing what they thought code should look like and then worked backwards on how to get there. This makes sense, but what surprised me was just how much of the building blocks were already there.

I wrote a blog post about it over at codingblocks.net, so go check it out: What’s So Special About LINQ?.

IT Conversations and Other Podcasts

I’ve been listening to the IT Conversations Network for a few weeks now, and I couldn’t be happier with it. In short, it provides an aggregated rss feed of free tech podcasts, so if you love podcasts as much as I do, you should give it a shot.

In addition to the always great Stack Overflow Podcast, there were three I found particularly interesting this week.

While I’m on the subject here’s a few of my other favorites. In order of how much I love them:

All free, all great. Go!