Category Archives: programming

Interested in building search driven apps?

I’ll be giving a talk at Orlando Backend Devs where I demonstrate three different apps that take advantage of highly scalable search engines like Elasticsearch. It is all about using the right tool for the job!

Find more info here:


I’ve been doing a lot of research on LINQ for episode 6 of the Coding Blocks podcast and I was a bit surprised by what I came up with.

I had originally thought of LINQ as a feature. I had heard the parable of the guy at the white board, writing what they thought code should look like and then worked backwards on how to get there. This makes sense, but what surprised me was just how much of the building blocks were already there.

I wrote a blog post about it over at, so go check it out: What’s So Special About LINQ?.

Username Verification Without Information Disclosure

Many applications require customers (don’t call them users!) to sign up with a username or email address to use the service.

If a user mistypes their credentials, security best practices dictate that an error message be displayed which informs the customer that there was a problem WITHOUT revealing whether or not the username was found.

No problem.
Continue reading - Color Converters and Delta E Calculators

I’m still putting together my 2013 goals, but I do know that one of them is to launch more sites.

I’ve been doing this whole internet thing for a long time now, I really aught to have more to show for it.

Knowing that perfect is the enemy of good enough I’ve opted to take a release early and release often approach to launching sites.

First up is It’s a simple site that wraps a small color library I wrote.
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